Musings about dog life, canine couture, and dog-friendly events.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Cocktails Anyone?

When I get home from work, there's nothing I like better than a glass of Sprite and a shot of Appleton Rum to take my cares away. Ahhh joy!!

The other day, I wasn't paying attention and my pup Roxie managed to stick her nose in my drink and she sneaked at least one slurp before I grabbed it from her! Yuck!

While I don't ever want to share a cocktail with my dog again, I was recently invited to a unique party that allows you to mingle and drink with your canine in tow.

It's called the Canine Cocktail Pawty and will be hosted by Jenna & Snickers of The NYC Shiba Inus. Please join them for an evening of people socializing and canine off-leash carousing! What a charming idea!

Proceeds from this event go to benefit Animal Haven, a no-kill animal shelter and pet sanctuary in New York City. Everyone is invited regardless of pedigree.

To RSVP, kindly e-mail Jenna: by March 12th. Tickets must be purchased in advance. For more details, visit:


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Me and Ro

Me and Ro
Roxie and I attend the 2007 Canine Cocktail Pawty hosted by Jenna Gates

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