Hey dog lovers,
It's come to my attention that there's a big campaign to make sure there's a small dog run on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I'm reposting this information in the hopes of informing others about the issue.
Please read and tell your furry friends...
Do you want an EAST SIDE SMALL DOG RUN?A 5000 sq. ft. dog run is being built at East 63rd St. Signs
were supposed to be posted throughout the neighborhood alerting
the public to meetings regarding the use of this space;
however, the signs were only posted at the 60th St Dog Run.
Those of us who own small dogs and do not frequent the dog run
were therefore unaware & more importantly, not represented at the meetings.
Not only was the topic to have a separate space for small dogs
raised, the architects original plan showed a separate area for
large & small dogs.
Those at the meeting adamantly opposed it feeling it was unnecessary to
divide the space, one reason being it would be hazardous to
confine their large dogs to a smaller area. THIS IS A 5000 SQ
FT AREA!!!! Clearly, the safety of small dogs was not their
WE want & need a small dog area in this park. We need to act NOW as construction has already begun.
We have been in conversation with Congresswoman Jessica Lappin?
s office and Community Board 8 & there may be enough time but we
need to act now & act together!
Please e-mail or forward this back to
smalldogpeople@aol.com so we
can get a sense of how many supporters we have. There will be
strength in numbers! Also, please forward this to everyone you
know with a small dog!!!!
We are drafting a letter for you to fwd to City Council Member
Jessica Lappin, Jonathan Moody, Dir of Constituent Services,
Elizabeth McKee @ Community Board 8, the Parks Dept & all groups
involved in the decision making of this dog run. Once we have
gathered a list of supporters, we will e-mail it with their
respective addresses. We will only prevail if we overwhelm them
with e-mail!
Our only chance of making this happen is to gather as many
supporters as we can & act quickly!
We need your help! Please e-mail now!!!!
Thank you!